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Gender Stream is a feminist organization that implements practices of gender equality, inclusion and respect for diversity, promotes the strengthening and development of the LGBTQI+ community. Our team unites Ukrainian and international activists and carries out its activities on the basis of honesty, transparency and responsiveness to the needs of the target audience.

Gender Stream works in partnership with national and international organizations, and also cooperates with the security sector (State Emergency Service, police, border guards), state institutions (mayors, regional administrations, universities), media and business to overcome the challenges faced by people excluded from state processes.

During its work, the organization has conducted more than 100 safe LGBTQI/feminist events and information campaigns in Ukraine.



Advocacy and promotion of draft law No. 5488 on combating hate crimes — at the national and international levels.

Creation of the association of non-governmental organizations KVIR “Platform for LGBTQI+ rights in Ukraine“.

Deepening of cooperation with the Department of the main inspection and observance of human rights.

To be continued…


The Gender Stream research Lab: the study was conducted on the status of LGBTQI+ refugees from Ukraine.

Launch the “Restart” program.

Creation of a map of LGBTQI+ organizations that provide assistance to Ukrainians.


The full-scale invasion of russia in 2022 increased inequality in Ukrainian society, and socially vulnerable groups found themselves in even more vulnerable conditions. We faced numerous challenges, high levels of public homo-, bi- and transphobia, lack of legislation that would protect us from marriage discrimination and provide equal opportunities in work, health care, housing and other areas of life. Ukrainian authorities still do not have LGBTQI+ friendly programs, and during the invasion this group of people is left out of the attention of state authorities.

In 2022 Gender Stream:

Now part of our team remains in Ukraine, the other part has relocated and works abroad. But despite the distance, we continue to stick together, because this is our superpower!

Helped 320 LGBTQI+ people and their relatives to evacuate/move abroad (90 of them are trans* people).

Opened shelters for LGBTQI+ displaced persons in Uzhhorod, Košice and Bratislava.

Opened a hub Sister’s HUB in Uzhhorod for IDP women and girls.

Provided psychological assistance to 120 LGBTQI+ people.

Provided financial assistance to more than 500 LGBTQI+ people.

Provided 90 LGBTQI+ people with medicines and hormonal drugs.


Start of the “YUPI” project in cooperation with juvenile prevention.

Launch of the informational project “Female Defenders”. 


Launch of the “Fight Like a Girl” information campaign, an educational initiative that includes legal, sexual education and self-defense tips.

Launch of a psychological and emotional support hotline for women.

With the support of Gender Stream, the Coalition of female veterans and volunteers of the Dnipropetrovsk region was created.


The start of the Gender Stream Research Lab: the study was conducted within the framework of the project “Gender problems of the security sector”. The goal is to contribute to the solution of the problem of gender inequality in the ranks of the Head office of the National Police, Patrol Police department and State Emergency Service of Dnipropetrovsk region.

Creation of an informative support platform “POBACH” for people who have suffered from violence. The goal of the project is to spread information about organizations that provide legal, psychological, and advisory assistance to people affected by violence.


Start of the project “Fight like a girl”. The self-defense club is designed to provide women and girls with the necessary skills to combat domestic and gender-based violence.

Holding the forum “Development of female leadership” in Dnipro. The event brought together about 50 women and girls who gained important knowledge and skills about decision-making processes, learned the art of oratory and had the opportunity to act in local self-government bodies.


Training of police units within the framework of the “POLINA” project: identification and countermeasures against domestic violence.


Establishment of Gender Stream organization in Dnipro.

Beginning of cooperation with the police on the basis of Community Policing.

Launching a school of tolerance for police officers, teachers, and journalists.

We continue to work on initiatives aimed at supporting LGBTQI+ Ukrainian men and women, combating domestic and gender-based violence, building an inclusive society where democracy, freedom and diversity are valued. In the near future, we will announce the DniProPride human rights event.


Advocacy work on the adoption of draft law 5488;

Implementation of projects aimed at protecting rights, strengthening the LGBTQI+ community in Ukraine, increasing the visibility of LGBTQI+;

Shelter for LGBTQI+ and IDP women in Bratislava (temporary housing, food, legal and psychological assistance, advisory support);

Legal support for LGBTQI+ people during the war in Ukraine;

Evacuation and relocation of LGBTQI+ people, IDP women;

LGBTQ+ friendly psychologists provide individual counseling for the community;

Fixation of war crimes;

Work with trans* people in Ukraine: provision of psychological, legal and medical assistance, evacuation, advisory support;

The development of an information web resource, which primarily contains mapping – a description of the activities and services of Ukrainian LGBTQI+ organizations. It has become a functional tool for redirecting clients depending on the requested services;

Research and advisory projects related to humanitarian aid and rehabilitation programs for LGBTQI+ refugees from Ukraine;

Trainings for business structures: “Target Gender Equality: the beginning or why business should be included in D&I issues”.

Наша команда

Olha Polyakova

Executive director

I have devoted more than 8 years to the implementation of gender policy in the security sector, business processes, development and implementation of strategies for the development of diversity and human rights. In my suitcase – the organization and conduct of trainings and policies for business companies and state institutions in Ukraine. The main anti-discrimination mechanisms are aimed at protecting LGBTQI+ rights and preventing discrimination and violence.

Rina Rybalko

Specialist in international communication and logistics

I am engaged in logistical support of projects, participate in communication with partners and support the organization’s representation on the international arena.

Heorhii Markov

Assistant of executive director, coordinator of T* direction

Involved in administrative work/work with finances, I am responsible for digitalization in the organization, I coordinate the Trans* direction in Gender Stream.

Khrystyna Karpenko

Communication specialist

I build bridges between Gender Stream and the audience. I am engaged in information support of the organization, I run social networks, I am responsible for cooperation with the media.

Andrii Zhuk


I work with all legal aspects of the organization, in particular, with the preparation of initiatives, protection of the rights of LGBT people and women which are violated in society. My work is also related to conducting research in the field of human rights violations.


Do you have ideas, suggestions, comments?

Write to us or contact us in any convenient way!