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Support from Gender Stream

Our organization is dedicated to ensuring that LGBTQI+ individuals in Ukraine feel as comfortable and safe as possible. To achieve this, we collaborate with other organizations, the police, and advocate for legislative changes, while also providing direct assistance to those in need. Some of our services are available continuously, while others are offered periodically or as one-time support. Follow our social media pages to stay updated with the latest news. Below, we outline the types of assistance you can currently request from us.

LGBTQI+ individuals from Dnipro and the surrounding region can receive a certificate worth 2,000 UAH for services at the “Harvis” clinic, including consultations, diagnostics, tests, treatment, and other medical services. To apply, please fill out the specified form by the end of June. The certificate must be used during this summer.

We offer free legal advice. To access this service, please complete the form. You can seek our assistance for issues such as:

  • Discrimination and attacks based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI)
  • Support in cases of violence and harassment
  • Communication with government agencies during gender transition
  • Changes of name and gender in official documents

If you need legal assistance for a court case, we can help. Notably, we secured a landmark victory for transgender woman Helen, proving for the first time in Ukrainian history that a crime fell under Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine due to transphobia. Currently, we are assisting Dymko, who was attacked along with their partner Alex on April 7 in Kyiv.

Follow the link for comprehensive instructions on border crossing for transgender individuals. If you still have questions, you can contact us for free legal assistance.

We provide free hormone treatment for transgender people in Ukraine. Although our supply is limited, we are continually working to expand the list of available medications. To receive these medicines, fill out the appropriate form, and we will send them to the address you provide.

While one organization cannot meet all the diverse needs of LGBTQI+ people in Ukraine, together we can achieve much more. That’s why we’ve developed the Help Map, which lists numerous organizations in Ukraine and abroad that can assist with specific needs such as housing, food kits, and friendly medical professionals.