More than 50 thousand women serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Along with men, they protect their motherland and also – they fight for equality, for the opportunity not to choose “wife and mother or military service person” and against gender stereotypes. The “Informator”, together with the NGO Gender Stream, launched a series of interviews with female veterans, military and volunteers of the “Female Defender” and with them showed: what it is like to be a woman in the army.
At the initiative of our organization, a “Coalition of Female Veterans and Volunteers” was created in 2020, a week before the start of quarantine restrictive measures in Ukraine. And only at the beginning of 2021, the coalition resumed its activities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The purpose of the coalition is to draw attention to the problems of female veterans and the formation of tools and algorithms to overcome them. Promoting the development and approval of the Regional Action Plan RSC 1325. The project provided for strengthening the partnership among the veterans and volunteers themselves, which will contribute to strengthening the regional coalition in the security sector on issues that will affect gender-sensitive changes.