A representative of Gender Stream attended the regional conference “Spaces and services for the protection of LGBTIQ+ communities”. The event discussed the importance of regional cooperation and exchange of experience. Also, it was emphasized on ensuring human rights in Ukraine specifically in the international field and the crucial need to support Ukraine.

It was also important to empathize on a campaign promoting regional non-discrimination projects in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions. The conference addressed the importance of working with the European Union and the Council of Europe to adhere to international standards for protecting LGBTIQ+ rights.
Rina Rybalko, an international communications and advocacy specialist, represented Gender Stream on a panel discussion. In her speech, she highlighted that one of the major challenges to LGBTIQ+ rights in Ukraine today is Russia’s full-scale invasion.
«The war crimes we are witnessing in liberated territories reveal the horrific reality of Russian occupation and its impact on LGBTIQ+ people.»

In addition, Ms. Rina emphasized a key course for Gender Stream’s work:
«Another security issue involves the lack of protection against hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Draft law #5488, which Gender Stream is advocating for, aims to address this issue.»
We thank the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine and the Council of Europe’s SOGIESC Section for the invitation! And, of course, we extend our gratitude to our fellow activists and human rights defenders for your work. Our shared experience and practices not only help us identify human rights challenges, but also highlight positive changes!