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Our next step for the safety of LGBTQI+ people — the Working Group for Prevention and Rapid Response to Hate Crimes is starting its work!

The group is initiated by the organization Gender Stream in collaboration with the Department of Main Inspection and Human Rights Compliance.

Our main goals are the safety and protection of LGBTQI+ people through strengthening cooperation between civil society organizations, police, and governmental bodies whose work is aimed at human rights protection. Additionally, we aim to establish an effective mechanism for responding to cases of discrimination and violence based on SOGI indicators.

What are the benefits of the Working Group?

For Civil Society Organizations:

  • Trainings and meetings with police representatives.
  • Direct contact with the police in your region to ensure safety, quick response, and cooperation.
  • Exchange of experiences at national and international levels.
  • Direct access to police information resources and the ability to provide recommendations and influence advocacy efforts.

For the Police:

  • Training on ethical and culturally sensitive approaches to the LGBTQI+ community.
  • Increased efficiency in responding to crimes based on transphobia and homophobia.
  • Exchange of experiences at national and international levels.
  • Building a secure space.
  • Fulfillment of Ukraine’s obligations to the European Union at the regional level.
  • Communication within the working group will facilitate collaborative work on prevention and counteraction, rapid response to hate crimes, and contribute to increased safety during events.

For convenience and prompt information exchange, members of the working group will have access to a shared communication group in one of the messengers, as well as participate in regular meetings.

To join the Working Group, please complete a short registration form:

Together on the path to a democratic society free from discrimination!